Completion & Graduation
Thesis Preparation & Format (MASc & PhD Candidates)
The Thesis Preparation section on the OGPS website will walk you through formatting, style, electronic and print formatting, and PDF creation. They also have the Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) template available. Please keep in mind that it is your responsibility to review your thesis/dissertation prior and ensure that it meets all the formatting requirements as outlined by the OGPS before submitting it to the Atrium Institutional Repository.
Submission Deadlines Winter 2024
PhD students: Friday, February 23, 2024
MASc students: Friday, March 8, 2024
Submission Deadlines Winter 2023
PhD students: Tuesday, February 28, 2023
MASc students: Tuesday, March 21, 2023
Submission Deadlines Summer 2023
PhD students: Wednesday, June 21, 2023
MASc students: Wednesday, July 5, 2023
Submission Deadlines Fall 2023
PhD students: Friday, October 20, 2022
MASc students: Friday, November 10, 2022
Request for Thesis Defence Scheduling
Final Thesis examinations at the Masters and Doctoral level, as well as oral Doctoral Qualifying Examinations, can be held in-person or fully online. Students are expected to consult with their primary advisor, their examining committee, and the Graduate Program Coordinator in making a venue decision that balances individual learning outcomes with the wishes of those involved in the examination. To ensure integrity, online examinations can be closed to the public at the discretion of the chair of the examination committee, though ideally this will not be necessary.
PhD Defence
Documents required to schedule the PhD Defence (8+ weeks prior to the anticipated date):
- Completed Examination Request Form, signed by the Advisory Committee
- One bound copy of the thesis draft (not currently required due to COVID-19)
- Confirmation of submission to Turnitin (instructions in the SOE Graduate Handbook, pg 23)
- Thesis draft (in PDF) and Abstract (in Word format) to
MASc Defence
Documents required to schedule the MASc Defence (4+ weeks prior to the anticipated date):
- Completed Examination Request Form, signed by the Advisory Committee
- Confirmation of submission to Turnitin (instructions in the SOE Graduate Handbook, pg 23)
- Thesis draft (in PDF) and Abstract (in Word format) to
MENG Final Presentation
Documents required to schedule the MENG Final Presentation (2+ weeks prior to the anticipated date):
- Completed MEng Examination Request Form, signed by the Advisory Committee
- 1 hard copy of the final project
- Confirmation of submission to Turnitin (instructions in the SOE Graduate Handbook, pg 23)
- Abstract (in Word format) to
After the Defence
Submit your revised thesis to the committee for their approval. Once your committee has confirmed that the final revisions are acceptable and nothing further is needed, there is some paperwork for you to submit.
Forms required by the School of Engineering (All SOE Graduate Students)
Forms to be submitted to the OGPS (MASc and PhD Candidates)
Please refer to the Form Submission to the Office of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies section on the OGPS website.
Thesis/Dissertation Submission to the Atrium (MASc and PhD Candidates)
Please refer to the Submission Process section on the OGPS website.
Graduation (All Graduate Students)
Once everything is approved and submitted you will be ready to graduate, and if you have any questions please refer to the Graduation section of the website. Congratulations!