Problem Solving
Problem-Solving Resources:
Exam/Test Taking
Problem-Solving-Based Exam Questions
Are you having trouble with the problem-solving style of exam questions? Here is a handout prepared by senior students who have encountered the same obstacles and successfully handled the problem.
Problem Solving Exams in Multiple Choice Format
Are you having trouble with the MC style of exam questions? Here are some tips and tricks to gain confidence in handling multiple-choice exam questions that involve calculations.
The "TRIP" Method for Test Taking
Exam-taking tips to help you prepare for problem-solving-based tests. What do you do when you are completely stuck in the middle of an exam? No clue how to answer the question. You’re not sure if you’ve seen any similar questions before?! What is the question even asking?!?! The TRIP method will help you quash the nerves when this happens! It is especially useful for ENGG*1210 (Mechanics I).
How to Write and Open Book Exam Video
Writing an open-book exam is very different than writing a closed-book or in-person exam. This video will give you some strategies to succeed!
Effective Learning
Studying for Effective Learning PowerPoint
Have you ever wondered how to optimize your studying to perform better on exams? This video discusses why studying for durable learning is an effective and optimal study strategy that will likely increase your retention of knowledge and perform better on exams.
Course Concept Review Resources:
Here is a blank template that can be used for any course.
ENGG*2450- Electric Circuits
Here is the blank template. Here is a filled-out concept review from W22.
ENGG*1500- Engineering Analysis
Here is a filled-out concept review from W21.
Here is a filled-out final concept review from F21.
MATLAB Resources:
MATLAB Survival Guide - A new guide to common MATLAB commands and resources.
MATLAB Reference Card - A quick reference sheet for MATLAB with common functions and commands
MATLAB Getting Started Guide - Great guide for first-time MATLAB users
MATLAB Guide to Error Messages - Guide to common error messages