
Helping the Greenhouse industry reuse and repurpose their waste

Helping the Greenhouse industry reuse and repurpose their waste

Greenhouses offer a 365 day a year growing cycle, increasing our food security and access to fresh produce year-round. Growing efforts by the industry are resulting in more sustainable production practices, including reducing energy and water use, and finding alternatives to plastic packaging.

Fourth year students win WEAO Design Competition

Fourth year students win WEAO Design Competition

The School of Engineering is proud to announce that four 41X students recently competed and won the Water Environment Association of Ontario (WEAO) Student Design Competition for 2023. The design challenge focused on upgrades to the Mid Halton Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) in anticipation of significant growth. Kelly Ward, Victoria Lucas, Jeffrey Stevens, and Daniel O'Connell will go on to represent Ontario at the Water Environment Federation Student Design Competition in Chicago in October this year.

NSERC awards Dr. Manick Annamalai, Dr. Loong-Tak Lim and Dr. Maria Corradini's research in novel pulse flours

NSERC awards Dr. Manick Annamalai, Dr. Loong-Tak Lim and Dr. Maria Corradini's research in novel pulse flours

School of Engineering associate professor, Dr. Manick Annamalai has secured a $540,000 Alliance grant from the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada. The funded project entitled “Development of value-added pulse-flour for potential ingredient in domestic and industrial food preparation” aligns with Manick’s ongoing research efforts to improve the availability of safe and healthy food. In partnership with co-applicants Dr.

Guelph Food Engineering Conference

Guelph Food Engineering Conference

On April 10, 2023, the inaugural Guelph Food Engineering Conference was held in Adams Atrium at the School of Engineering. Led by Dr. Manick Annamalai, the day represented the significant growth of interest and research into Food Engineering.

Science Communicators Welcomes 4 New Writers

Science Communicators Welcomes 4 New Writers

The College of Engineering and Physical Sciences is proud to introduce 4 new writers for our Science Communicators program. Science Communicators is an opportunity for CEPS' gradute students to help the college tell its research story by writing 500-word pieces that summarize and translate research publications coming out of the college. These highlights are written in plain and accessible language for broad audiences and are amplified by the College through various communication platforms. 

Morwick G360 - World Water Day 2023 - Accelarting Change

Morwick G360 - World Water Day 2023 - Accelarting Change

On March 22 we celebrated World Water Day – Accelerating Change, by hosting a half day, hybrid (virtual and in-person) event, with an introduction by Dr. Ferdinando Manna, followed by talks from three guest speakers. 

Engineering Design Day 2023

Engineering Design Day 2023

On Thursday, April 6th, engineering students gathered in the Thornbrough building for the School of Engineering’s biggest annual event: Engineering Design Day. This year family, friends, faculty, staff, alumni, and industry professionals, gathered to  see the accomplishments of the U of G’s engineering students from all 7 disciplines. The School of Engineering is proud to have made design the foundation of their studies, allowing U of G Engineers to create and design solutions to Improve Life

Engineering Student Feature - Het Shah

Engineering Student Feature - Het Shah

Het chose an adventure when he decided to come to Canada, leaving his friends and family in Kuwait for the first time in his life. His first few months were a challenge, having to adapt and adjust to an entirely different language and culture, but after a while, he found himself a new home where he has made life-long friends.